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What is Parsi Sadra ?

Updated: May 22, 2023

Sadra are the religious vestments worn by Zoroastrians after the Navjot all through life. The Kasti is to be untied and re-tied on the Sadra, whilst chanting specific prayers several times in the day which are Kem-na-Mazda and Ahura Mazda Khodaay. This practice helps to remind the basic tenets of the religion, and also gives spiritual protection.

Sadra are the religious vestments worn by Zoroastrians after the Navjot all through life. The Kasti is to be untied and re-tied on the Sadra, whilst chanting specific prayers several times in the day which are Kem-na-Mazda and Ahura Mazda Khodaay. This practice helps to remind the basic tenets of the religion, and also gives spiritual protection.

Sadra and Kasti are also the religious implements necessary for a Zoroastrian to perform prayers. They form a spiritual circuit around the person and protects one from negative forces. They represent the spiritual vestments of the divine beings mentioned in Avestan text as their divine garment and divine belt.

Our prophet Zarathushtra himself also wore it. Religious texts like the Vendidad and Patet Pashemani consider not wearing the Sadra Kasti after a certain age a sin. Performing the Kasti in every geh reminds one of duties and obligations.

The Sadra is the white cotton vestment which Zoroastrians are enjoined to wear after Navjot. The word Sadra is derived from the Avesta vastra; Phl. vastra; Pers. sud rāh “beneficial path.”

The Sadra serves as a spiritual armour and also gives the wearer a sense of purpose and identity. It is a replica of the spiritual armour of the Spiritual Beings and acts as a protection against vices and evil forces. The Sadra reminds one of the beneficial (sud) religious path (rāh) of life, the path of Asha.

Sadra (also written as Sudreh) and Kasti (also written as Kushti) are the religious vestments worn by Zoroastrians after the Navjot all through life. The Kasti is to be untied and re-tied on the Sadra, whilst chanting specific prayers several times in the day. This practice helps to remind the basic tenets of the religion, and also gives spiritual protection.

Sadra and Kasti are also the religious implements necessary for a Zoroastrian to perform prayers. They form a spiritual circuit around the person and protects one from negative forces. They represent the spiritual vestments of the divine beings mentioned in Avestan texts as their divine garment and divine belt.

These vestments were conceived of and first worn by King Jamshed of the Peshdadian dynasty. Later other kings and prophet Zarathushtra himself also wore it. Religious texts like the Vendidad and Patet Pashemani consider not wearing the Sadra Kasti after a certain age a sin. Performing the Kasti in every geh reminds one of duties and obligations.

The Sadra is the white cotton vestment which Zoroastrians are enjoined to wear after Navjot. The word Sadra is derived from the Avesta vastra; Phl. vastra; Pers. sud rāh “beneficial path.”

The Sadra serves as a spiritual armour and also gives the wearer a sense of purpose and identity. It is a replica of the spiritual armour of the Spiritual Beings and acts as a protection against vices and evil forces. The Sadra reminds one of the beneficial (sud) religious path (rāh) of life, the path of Asha.

The Nine Parts of Sadra are as follows:

Why Sadra has to have nine parts and Kusti has to be woven in certain manner and by a designated person? I will describe Kusti and its spiritual connection with our Urvaan and related intrinsic values & its making in the separate article. The following points will describe the names and meaning of all nine parts of Sudreh:-

1. FIRST PART is Girdo, a half moon shape bag on the neck portion of Sudreh. This bag is the storage place of all earthly obligations the Urvaan bears at the time when it arrives in this world. The Urvaan has to WORK for its reduction by following Tarikats of the Zarathustri Daena before it goes back to Minoi world. A thought of returning back "Man Aano Avayad Shudan" to HIS world keeps our thoughts attuned with HIS teachings, where Girdo helps oneself in this attunement process. Today, most females are wearing Sudreh without this bag. I wonder who is their fashion-oriented tailor or is it just an outcome of their ignorance? Whatever the reason is, from now onwards please wear proper Sudreh. The design for Sudreh is consistent for all Zarathustris, whether it is male or female. Females are no exception to exclude Girdo in their Sudreh.

2. SECOND PART is Girebaan, a square box at your chest level. Gireban in Avesta "Gereva" means "to grasp", "one who holds" or, "adhere to". It is meant for storing Khoreh (Avesta Kharenah meaning, "aura" "divine light") around Sudreh, which helps in Urvaan's progression. Gireban is like a 'store house' or 'battery' for our divine counterpart. We express our need for Khoreh (divine glory) in every prayer for our Urvaan - "Gorze Khoreh Avazayad" meaning, "may Khoreh multiply for me." Gireban helps to restore such pious Mithra (thoughts) for Urvaan's journey and thus, one will be tempted to follow Tarikats to "repay" the earthly obligations (Kehsas or laws of Ashisvang). This process helps illuminate Khoreh which in turn "energizes" the inner (Ahu) conscience whereby aiding Urvaan for its progression. All these takes place with the help of Gireban in front of Sudreh. A rule is, Gireban should be approximately two inches above the solar-plexus or, put your right hand thumb over the v-bone below the Adam's-apple and extend your last finger straight down and that is the place where your Gireban should be located. Never expose the upper chest portion while doing prayers. Wear some T-shirt or shirt over Sudreh; even Yaozdathregars performing high liturgical ceremonies has to wear a short shirt (Badiyan) while performing prayers. ALWAYS WEAR SUDREH NEXT TO THE SKIN. Even during ceremonies like Afringhan, Farokhshi, Stum, the Priests has to wear proper clothing (Jama) to cover the exposed parts. It is very prominent among young and adults having Gireban hanging almost near the belly button. My dear Zarathustris, wearing Sudreh is not for your convenience or to stop you showing the beauty of your upper body. It is a sacred shirt, which only you as Zarathustri can energize it for your spiritual progression. Respect your Soul and HIS presence within you.

3. THIRD & FORTH is TWO TIRIS (seams). For male on the right side and for female on the left side. These seams are based on three basic principles Humata-Hukhta-Havashta. One has to understand these concepts not from its surface meaning but its relative products, effects and its compositions. Here we can designate Humata for Hasti (Minoi World), Hukhta for Nisti (Transitional world), and Havashta for Geti (Material World). These two vertical seams form a traingular shape, which denotes that we have to work for our Urvaan on Geti (Havarshta) by practicing Zarathustri Tarikats, Ashoi. This happens when we attune our Mithra (thoughts) and speech (Manthravani) to improve our "Khoreh" to reach the transitional stage (Hukhta) to ultimately aim at getting attuned with the 'nature' (Humata). Sounds complicated, alright. The shape of those two seams is triangular because, when we practice Humata-Hukhta-Havashta in its true meaning, the shape of our inner conscience transforms into a triangular shape, and thus, we establish a truthful, obedient conscience that can attune with Urvaan for its progression.

My dear Zarathustris, no one is perfect in all three tenets however, one must not forget that our religion has resources to teach you how to be perfect someday. We have to WORK for providing enough nourishment to "Ahu" (inner conscience with HIS presence), which is the main source of Asare-Roshni (elements help in Urvaan's progression) by practicing Ashoi-Mithra-Manthra-Tarikats (divine exercises) to help Urvaan in its progression. Remember that the reason of our birth is to WORK for our "Ahum-Mashim" (meaning, Ahu inside us) by practicing Humata-Hukhta-Havashta and help HIM in HIS mission. Today, majority is unaware of these Tiris & its meaning. Look at your Sudreh and check if it is present at the right place. If not, spend some money to buy or get stitched by a Zarathustri tailor. One proper Sudreh will cost you a lunch but it can provide a million times more spiritual nourishment to your Soul than what you feed your body from that lunch. Think about it.

4. FIFTH & SIXTH are two Sleeves. Two sleeves corresponds to two opposite forces in nature: SpenaMino (Avesta - Spenta Mainyu) and GanaMino (Avesta - AngreMainyu). The work of SpenaMino is to increase the power of 'Asare-Roshni' to help Urvaan to return to Minoi world. Whereas, it always remains the efforts of GanaMino to mislead Urvaan toward darkness (Asare-Tariki) and hold it in this world and stop its progression. We, Baste-Kustian Zarathustris were given Tarikats to practice for destroying the forces of Ashare-Tariki and build the products of Ashare-Roshni. That is why we have prayers to recite before the food intake, before & after visiting rest-room, to bath, or coming in contact with pollution, unhygienic element or Druj around us. Those who follow all given Tarikats will attain "Ushta" a divine bliss and immortality of soul.

Our scripture dictates that the sleeves on both hands should extend till the elbow. The upper half of our hand is always under the influence of Khurshed (Ravi)Chakra. Because the top portion of both hands remains under cover, it slows down the continuous flow of invisible, anti-nature elements ventilating from our body. The long sleeves does help such anti-nature ventilating products to be directed towards earth, leaving our Aipi and Khoreh unharmed by its "spiritually unhealthy" contents. The portion from elbow to fingers is under the mixed influence of the remaining six planets and thus it does not require covering, however one has to clean those parts before engaging in any task or religious duty. That is one of the reason why it is recommended to wash the exposed parts of hand (elbow to fingers) while doing Kusti-Padyab so that the disturbances of mixed planetary conditions on Aipi (field around our body) will be neutralized by "Shaeto Frado" from water. Shaeto Frado is a form of energy in water that causes changes in the spiritual composition of any earthly elements in existence.

5. SEVENTH AND EIGHTH are Front & Back parts of Sudreh. This reminds us of two worlds Hasti and Nisti from where we (Urvaan) have come from and will be returning to Ahu through these worlds. Our Urvaan is helplessly under our custody waiting for our Baodhang (divine consciousness) to WORK for its (Urvaan) progression by following the divine formula Mithra-Manthra-Yasna-Tarikats based on the laws of Ashoi. It is the ultimate wish of every Urvaan to give-up this life-cycle of birth and death and be a part of Minoi world "Man Ano Avayad Shudan" meaning, I have to go there one day." With that thought in mind we must remember that front portion of Sudreh corresponds to a veil of Nisti and back portion relates to the veil of Hasti.

6. NINTH PART is a Parallel Tiri (seam): For male on the left side and female on the right side. This is to remind us of the final event "Khaethvodath" ("Khaetva" means 'individuality', and "Dath" means 'to give away.' This Tiri reminds us of our origin, why are we here in this world? and what is expected from us?, and what do we have to do to "earn" better position for our Urvaan for the 'final event'?. It also reminds us of Hasti & Nisti world and the need of Yazadic forces penetrating into our Aipi to provide "spiritual nourishment" for Humata-Hukhta-Havashta proceeding towards final Khaethvodath. At the time of Khaethvodath, all counterparts (male & female) of our soul scattered in various creations will merge and earn salvation. Yes, our soul has to 'earn' salvation by releasing all impurities attached with our Urvaan by following Tarikats of Jhirem assigned with its destiny to be born and marry for speedy progression. According to Vendidad, a married person is preferable to the one who is single. It is a divine fact that every Urvaan is eager to meet its counterpart and get freed from these life cycles to proceed towards Dadare Gehan (Minoi World).


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